Friday, May 4, 2018
Tech Tip: Twitter
Readin Notes EC: The Rainy Season
This story is about a king named Sugriva and he wants to help Rama on a quest but the problem is the rain is stopping Sugriva from keeping his promise he made to Rama. Trying to enter the city he has to wait for the wilderness to clear. In this story the storyline is different from a lot of the other stories i read, but the more i read the more i started to like this one. There was a lot of dailouge in the story between Rama , Sugriva and two other men in the story. I think overall this story meant well and Sugriva was able to help Rama.
Biobiography: The Rainy Season
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Reading Notes Part B: The Story Of A Squirrel
This story is about squirrel who was playing with a pebble putting it in her mouth and a monkey noticed it and started to make fun or her and told her to stop that before lest a boulder crushed her. This hurt the squirrels feelings so she went to Rama and told after that he fixed the problem and everything was better.
Bibliography: The Story Of A Squirrel
Reading Notes Part A: Don't Look To Close
I think an interesting story that I would read is called "Third Eye". This tale is about Shiva's third eye. This eye has always fascinated people and it stood directionally in the middle of the head. The third eye In the middle of Shiva's head was so powerful it could wipe the entire world out. There was so many assumptions with Shiva that it made it hard for people to even be friends because they were always worrying. This story caught my eye because weird stuff interest me.
Bibliography: The Third Eye
Bibliography: The Third Eye
Monday, April 30, 2018
Famous Last Words: Life
growth mindset:Progress
Coming into this class i thought it was going to be easy with a little bit of work to do. But as the weeks went by I noticed my time management with this course was becoming out of hand and it was getting harder for me to include this class with the rest of my hard classes. this class ask for to much and a lot of the links have me confused on what they are asking of me. but overall I made it through after 16 weeks and I am so happy to almost be done with this semester.
Tech Tip: Canvas Calendar
i think this is a good tool for the class were in and canvas is easy to go through then D2l. but i think Canvas should send us reminderings to our phone when things in class are due because my time managing and reminding that things are due is bad because we do not get reminded. This would help a lot for my connect homework in class because we never get reminded that it is coming up.
Friday, April 27, 2018
week 14: The Girl Face Elephant
Testing one to act out of character is a good way to see if their head strong or very influenced by other people around them. So, in this story their is a sweet ole elephant that is being played about him being to nice and sweet. Then one day his own demerer was switched by listening from a different points of view on how he was supposed to act. Hearing somebody talk about you and how you should be could hurt you as an individual.
Being in a situation where you have no control over it will drive a person crazy and usually after a person has did them bad activities comes to realize what they did was out of character. A person should not let other people effect them in away where things will be up going wrong. But this is a lot of the times people need to pick and choose their battles wisely.
Men: Aye why do you think the elephants is so big but so scared to do anything
- the men all laugh
- Men: I tell you guys all the time that just because a person is big does not mean they are what people perceive them to be.
- Different Men: I know, but i want to see some action
Days went by and the elephant sat there and thought about all the nasty thing those people said about him and how could he be so big and not do anything. But in reality that is not what the elephant wanted. But at the end of the day so many people will judge people off of their likings and well beings. Trying to think other people's problems helps brings out a person emotional and most of the time the do not need to be expressed.
Its crazy that a person can listen to a group of men and act the way they hear because they know no better. In this story an elephant lived in a stall and loved his owner but one nights his whole mind set changed. One night there were these men that jumped over the fence and they were trying to rob person and they said some of the nasites things you could think of. And the elephant not knowing any better liked what they were saying. In the elephants head he heard them say spare nobody, take their life, be mean and cruel. So, the next day the keeper of the elephant came of the see the animal and he attacked him with no warning then the other person heard him killing him and tried to help but ending up getting killed to. So, there was this one keeper that was trying to find out why the elephant was acting like this. And he was like maybe the elephant heard some bad things so of he was to bring positive people around him it might change the attitude of the elephant and to be honest that was all the elephant needed. Some positivity !
Author's Note: I think the author was really trying to preach a real life story that happened in their lifetime . We all know that human beings are very talked into things it is not that easy that things are happening. I think the author was trying to tell us that pressure is hard when a person is trying to prove something to people. And its crazy that after the elephant did what he did, People want to be confused on how the owner died, But all that nasty talking about him drove him up the wall. And after those men see what the elephant was capable of they felt so bad about what they said to each other the night before. I find this story fun to read because of the simply fact there are so many thrills that make a person be intact to it.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Reading Part B: Prabhavati the Princess
This story is about a princess that gets her way all the time. Two people in this story are Krishna and Indra who have a son but the kid is Krishna's son named Pradyumna. This son is not just no normal son, Pradyumna has magical powers and he is able to shape-shift. Later on in the story their son uses his powers to shape shift into Vajranabh's palace in a simple disguise and he marries Asura's daughter named Prabhavati.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Famous Last Words: Trying to push Through
Last week reading, i was not able to do. But doing the project for the week helped me work on my sentence structure and grammar. Usually my best work is done whenever i do my different readings on stories. I like to remake my stories from a story i read. As far, with reading other peoples work i come across a lot of reading and remakes that are really good to. especially if it is a popular story i see a remake of it and it is interesting to read and see everybody's view on stories. My reasoning for getting so lazy with this class is because i am a biology major and a lot of my classes have been getting harder each day. There are times throughout the week i have mental breakdowns because of all the things i have going on in other classes. But i see a small connection with the amount of writing i have to do in my other classes. there are some connections on the way to write things but as far as similar material no. And this weekend on campus i attended a Probate and got entertainment from some sororities putting on a show, it was like an introduction to being included into the greekdom life. Going to things like this warm my heart and it is pure entertainment. For this week in class i hope to do all my assignments in this class and work on time management.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Reading Notes: Part B (Dhritarshtra and Pandu)
In this story called Dhritarashtra and Pandu there is a king that goes by the name of King Pandu and he is the ruler of his kingdom. He had two wives that he married and one of his wives named Kunti was of celestial origin but her mother was a nymph; and her father was a holy brahmin. In the story a palace was built and she ministered unto the king faithfully, with servings of food at any hour. This story was a great story that dealt with a lot of love and confusion but in the end a good ending happened.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Reading Notes Part B:The Elephant Girly Face
Its crazy that a person can listen to a group of men and act the way they hear because they know no better. In this story an elephant lived in a stall and loved his owner but one nights his whole mind set changed. One night there were these men that jumped over the fence and they were trying to rob person and they said some of the nasites things you could think of. And the elephant not knowing any better liked what they were saying. In the elephants head he heard them say spare nobody, take their life, be mean and cruel. So, the next day the keeper of the elephant came of the see the animal and he attacked him with no warning then the other person heard him killing him and tried to help but ending up getting killed to. So, there was this one keeper that was trying to find out why the elephant was acting like this. And he was like maybe the elephant heard some bad things so of he was to bring positive people around him it might change the attitude of the elephant and to be honest that was all the elephant needed. Some positivity !
Reading Notes Part A: The Foolish, Timid Rabbit
Thinking crazy thoughts will make a person act crazy and become very timid to a lot of situation. So, one day there was this rabbit that was already edge with everything because he believed the earth would one day fall apart. Nobody could tell him difference he dreamt of it so he believed it. One day, these monkey were in the tree and they had a coconut they were about to eat when it fall out the tree and landed on the ground. This noise woke the rabbit up and he thought the earth was breaking apart. After, remembering what he thought about early that day, it made him run on site. The rabbit was running so fast another rabbit seen him and was curious to why he was moving so fast and he started running with him to. And by the time the King of the Jungle came into the story all the animals were running at full speed. He halted them and asked them why they were running so fast, each one of them played telephone leading right back to the first rabbit and the end results all resulted in a coconut that had fallen out the tree.
Bibliology :
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Reading Notes PartA: "The Five Tall Sons of Pandu"
Pandu has five very tall sons , that all have a purpose in life. The sons names are Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, and he has a set of twins Nakula and Sahadeva. One of the sons is blinded "Dhritarashtra" after their father dies he becomes king. Throughout his reign he has a lot of kids and he trains the youngest prince the art of war. He wants his youngest son to be powerful just like him and when he faces in a mock battle it gets to intense so they stop it. At the end of the tournament, everybody realizes Karna is a warrior who is very talented.
Bibliography: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu
Bibliography: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
"Week 8 Progress"
I have happy with my progress, I never knew an online class
to be this confusing but each week I start to get the hang or it more. I like
my progress with being able to base my short tales off a story that was
written. I never knew blogging could be this fun! My weekly routine is still
all over the place, but I am trying my best to balance it. I have not started using
any extra credit, but I think I need to do a few extra credit to make up for
that one week.
"Week 8 Comments and Feedback
In this class anybody is allowed to comment on
my post and I feel like the word count helps a lot with the quality of feedback
I receive on the different assignments we have to do. I like to read people’s
opinions or suggestions on my work, because it helps me see how the reader
views my work. The comments that were most useful would be in the projects we
are doing, they help me see if I need to add more or take some things out in my
project. Since this is a big project a lot of different feedback from people
helps mold a good project.
I feel like my comments and feedback give the
writer a different view on my thoughts and it also helps them brainstorm more
than from their initial thoughts. Good feedback strategies would be to focus on
the main parts of the writing and make sure everything flows well and makes sense
from start to finish. Looking at other’s writing and giving feedback helps my
juices in my brain run too.
I do not get a sense of getting to know people
by blogs because when I am on the computer it is in a more literature stance
than a social connecting aspect. But I am happy with my introduction post, I like
to share my life with people especially if things in my life are the reason to
my happiness.
I think my feedback is pretty good, I like give
back feedback because that helps the writer expand their mind. I do not want to
make any chances to my blog. I would only like to chance the basic look that we
started off with and I want to make it more of my personality.
I picked this picture because other people's feedback helps we brain storm and get my juices in my head working. You can say feedback for me helps me think outside the box. There may have been a thought I had but could ever wrap my finger around it and reading their feedback could spark that thought back up.
"Week 8 Reading and Writing"
Looking back: Throughout the
semester, the reading and writing assignments were interesting and sometimes
were hard to pick and navigate through the website we used for this class. But I
enjoyed finding stories that dealt with animals and remaking the story or even
writing up a summary of the story. My favorite reading so far has been the one’s
that deals with “Ramayana: Dasharatha's Karma. This story has to deal with a father who was cursed to lose his lose in the future”. And yes, the reading notes help we see the overall summary of the story
and it makes it easier to write up the same story with different characters in
it. A few reading/research strategies I discovered that being able to read a
story and take notes on it first will make it a lot easier when it’s time to rewrite
it. the researching strategies is still in a working progress because you learn
new things about researching every day. Yes, I am happy with my class project, I
finally understand how to do it correctly. But I am not sure if we our supposed
to have more than one story on it right now? My biggest writing accomplishment
in this class would be sentence formatting, and checking for grammatical errors.
I think the more I write the better I catch my mess ups.
Looking Forward: I need to take my time in reading
through all the instructions to get a full understanding of the assignment. I
usually get confused because they’re so many different links to click on and
read. But as the weeks past I get more familiar with the way the website is set
Monday, February 26, 2018
Reading Notes Part D:The Mongoose
Kurukshetra seen a golden half body mongoose and it spoke out to them and said "Ye kings, this great sacrifice is not equal to a little measure of powdered brely given away by a liberal and after this the mongoose told the following story to them a family was living on the grains of corn and working really hard in the land of waste and the amount of food started to disappear and the family started to lose weight and get thin. They were so giving to their guest , that in the end the mongoose blessed them by his body turning into gold magical powder.
Biblography: By Laura Gibbs. The Mongoose
Reading Notes Part C:Life in the Forest
In this story the Pandava princes travel through the deep forest , this lead to them living off the stuff in the forest. They had to live off fruits and roots , there were so many reptiles and hungry wild animals in the forest just wondering around amongst everyone. Brahmin started to call to the sun god and Yudhishthira started to pray in hope of better days. Surya seen how they was struggling and gave him a copper pot that was filled with food and goods. living in the forest for so long they were happy they got food so they ate and gave the rest to the other people living there. There was so much stuff going on in the forest but they made the best of it.
Bibliogrpahy: Life in the Forest . By Laura Gibbs
Friday, February 23, 2018
Week 6, Story:
This tale, tells about two people that go on a famous adventure and discovery so many new things they would of never thought. The first person they meet with is Maya the divine architect of gods. This name Maya stands for something so great and it is opposed to the feminine name Maya. It has more of a masculine meaning so it tends to have a different name. Mayasura has another story where he had befriended a snake named Takshaka and they lived in a area where they had friends and family. But when Pandavas came they burnt the entire forest down which caused the snake to run away and everything was dead in the forest. Krishna and Pandavas were some troublemakers, looking for some trouble to get into. So one night they seen this picnic going on and wanted to join, walking into that party they seen so many women that they fell inlove. In the party there were two mother boys named Draupadi and Subhadra that gave in to the females in that party simply because they was intoxicated. Later on, Krishna and Arjuna were telling stories when two men in ragged up clothes and the two of them thought these men were hero. Angi was a unique individual and did not just eat any kind of food, he was the god of fire so he could not just eat anything. After, eating so much Ghee it had made him sick where he was weak and pale. After, see Angi this way Krishna and Arjuna said they were going to help him if he was able to get them some weapons to carry on them. He provided them with some many weapons that they were ready for anything that would come their way. A great battle was sure to come and they were going to be ready for anything.
bibliography: The Burning of The Forest
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Reading Notes Part B: The Gambling Match
Duryodhana was plotting something big for everybody to see but what? During this time they did a lot of gambling and shakuni, prince of Gandhara and the brother of Dhritarashtra's queen were brushing up on there gambling skills. Duryodhana is a master mind at rolling dice that's why he wanted Yudhishthira to roll the dice with him. Leading into the next day Yudhishthira and his brethren went to a gambling match together. Going into the gambling game and Yudhishthira came out in the end losing still.
The Gambling Game Is Lit
Bibliography:The Gambling Game check it out !
Reading Notes Part A: Vyasa and Ganesha
Vyasa was very excited about getting somebody to write things down for him but he felt nobody was worthy enough to do that for him. During this time he was trying to find somebody a person by the name of Brahma came and told him that his new scribe would be god Gabesha, but there was one agreement they had came to and that was he was not allowed to stop writing. This was all fun and games, basically people were using people to get there ways. So, one day during the day a man and his kids were fishing and they found this beautiful fish, so the fishermen took it to the king. Once the king saw the pretty fish he took possession over the boy and not the girl because she smelled like fish. Then one day he came across her again in the water and made her promise that she would remain a virgin for the rest of her life.
Bibliography: Vyasa and Ganesha Link to Auhtor:Vyasa
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Comment Wall
Hey leave comments on my story to help me expand it:
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Reading Notes, Little Squirrel who helped Lord Rama
This story tells about a squirrel that changed a man's life. On one day Rama saw a small brown squirrel walking along the seashore carrying rocks in its mouth. A "great" monkey was confused when he ran into the squirrel and the squirrel told the monkey to basically watch where he was going because he was in the middle of helping Rama build a bridge. And he did not need anything in his way because he wanted to work hard for him. After, hearing that the monkey got offensive and lashed back. Making funny of him because he could only carry pebbles and not anything else like rocks (which they were able to do that). I see in this story it was a hate love relationship because the squirrel wanted to do the best he could and the monkey was not trying to let him prosper.

Bibliography: Ramayana story: Little squirrel who helped Lord Rama!
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Reading Notes, Part D: The Bridge
In this reading I picked "The Bridge", this story is part of the Ramayana series. In this story they talk about Hanuman superpowers and how him and his army of monkeys and bears needed to get across the water safe. Rama was determined to get the God of Ocean to help him move across the water. He was in such range that he got his bow and was about to shot it if they did not follow this request.grabbing the King of Ocean attention he was able to have to waves lifted were he could cross the ocean.
Bibliography: Ramayana: The Bridge
Reading Notes , Rama's Confession Part C
In Rama's Confession he states why it was okay to kill Vali. In a newspaper it had said that the god-man had every right to slay the monkey king, so Rama was not upset about killing Vali but he felt it was what he had to do as a man. After Rama had shot his arrow and it went through Vali body, he was so scared that he hide because Vali was a powerful person and his powers would pass on to the person who took his life and Rama did not want that to happen to him. There was a reason Rama needed to kill Vali because if not all hell would have broken loose between everybody in the kingdom.
Bibliography: Original story toward;(UC press e-books)
Sunday, February 4, 2018
"Feedback Thoughts"
Read about it: why is rejection so much ---and what to do about it
The first post I pick it "why rejection hurts so much --- and what to do about it. In this article I learned that a lot of human beings use social media because when they are rejected by a person it does not affect them that bad, verse if it was in person. Being over the internet is a sense of safety. I learned that no matter what kind of rejected that happens to a person , rejected is rejected and it always hurts.
Read about it: Overcoming the Fear of Feedback
The second one I picked is called "Overcoming the Fear of Feedback. Reading this article I found out a lot of people are scared to receive/read feedback they are giving simply because they think they are being criticized by the way they think or when they share how they feel about a certain subject.
The first post I pick it "why rejection hurts so much --- and what to do about it. In this article I learned that a lot of human beings use social media because when they are rejected by a person it does not affect them that bad, verse if it was in person. Being over the internet is a sense of safety. I learned that no matter what kind of rejected that happens to a person , rejected is rejected and it always hurts.
Read about it: Overcoming the Fear of Feedback
The second one I picked is called "Overcoming the Fear of Feedback. Reading this article I found out a lot of people are scared to receive/read feedback they are giving simply because they think they are being criticized by the way they think or when they share how they feel about a certain subject.
Topic Brainstorm
the first topic story i am doing is called "Jatayu" this story comes from Animal Characters of the Ramayana ideas. This story is about a young boy of Aruna .I am interested in this topic because it has to deal with a man trying to save this womened named Sita from the bird (demon). I might be able to gain more knowledge from this story.
2. Second topic story will be Jambavan , this indian epic poetry has to deal with king of bears. bears during this time were known asiatic bears which were part of tradition.
3.Sampati is part of the Jatayu, he is the brother and son of Aruna and Jatayu. This story would be good for a story book, because it ties along with the other story so it might help we expand when i start to write for the big project. This story kind of relates to the lives the two brothers lived. Kind of telling the future for Jatayu story tale.
4. Sugriva is one of the monkeys in the other storytell. He was the younger brother of Vali. Reading through this story i seen the two boys trying to get ready to take over the monkey kingdom in the city. Vali ruled kishkindha, along with subjects that helped him run it.
I never had any knowledge of these Indian Epics story, but i try to throw my focus on the ones that are related to animals.
the first topic story i am doing is called "Jatayu" this story comes from Animal Characters of the Ramayana ideas. This story is about a young boy of Aruna .I am interested in this topic because it has to deal with a man trying to save this womened named Sita from the bird (demon). I might be able to gain more knowledge from this story.
2. Second topic story will be Jambavan , this indian epic poetry has to deal with king of bears. bears during this time were known asiatic bears which were part of tradition.
3.Sampati is part of the Jatayu, he is the brother and son of Aruna and Jatayu. This story would be good for a story book, because it ties along with the other story so it might help we expand when i start to write for the big project. This story kind of relates to the lives the two brothers lived. Kind of telling the future for Jatayu story tale.
4. Sugriva is one of the monkeys in the other storytell. He was the younger brother of Vali. Reading through this story i seen the two boys trying to get ready to take over the monkey kingdom in the city. Vali ruled kishkindha, along with subjects that helped him run it.
I never had any knowledge of these Indian Epics story, but i try to throw my focus on the ones that are related to animals.
Week Story 2 The Mouse and The Snakes
Author Note: Orginal Text, Remake text below
A mouse lived in the tall savanna grass in Africa all by itself.
There was so many different creatures that roamed in this savanna grass. You
never knew what to expect, so living out there so small anything was bound to
happen. Two snakes lived just about half a mile away from the rest of the
animals in the grass. Theses snakes had something up their sleeve, they were so determined to get the mouse away from it's safety zone. They did not mean no harm, but they thought it would be best if the mouse came with them and traveled a little bit, rather than being stuck in the village not knowing nothing for the rest of it's life. So, the mouse thought long and hard about making this decision and he thought it was the right one. Then, one this day they peered through the grass and seen
the mouse out eating and yelled "Mouse Hey were going to be great friends
one day and you can travel with us back to our tunnel.
: How am I able to, if I'm not
allowed to leave ?"
"No worried about that we
will help you move through the grass without being seen"
As a few days went by, the
mouse sat there waiting for the snakes to come up with a good plan. Waiting on
them to arrive the mouse looked at his surroundings.
Out of nowhere, "Hey
Hey" (the snakes) Are you ready to go across the Savanna grass with
Mouse replied, "Yes I am,
I finally get to have friends"
As, the mouse and Snake tried
to move through the grass without being seen, some of the mouse that lived
close to the mouse and seen him leaving! "Where are you going" "We
see you leaving!!!!"
Looking back the mouse replied,
"All you guys mind your business, I am finally getting from the danger
zone, I will now live with my snake friends and be protected forever!"
Within, 2 seconds a hawk comes
down and grabs the mouse by the head and it kills him instantly. The two snakes
started to move on, and heard the neighborhoods of the mouse say "Man he
thought he was endangered here. but i guess not. Maybe next time he will listen
to us.
Now, the moral of the story is not as deep as people might think it is. The moral or the story is not that the snakes had a master plan up their sleeve to get the mouse killed, but they wanted the mouse to get out his comfort zone and see what the real world was like, being enclosed in the same environment since birth the mouse did not know any better when dealing with the real world. So, to make the long story short, never let peer pressure , pressure you into doing something you know is wrong because at the end of the day you might end up dead like the mouse.
Now, the moral of the story is not as deep as people might think it is. The moral or the story is not that the snakes had a master plan up their sleeve to get the mouse killed, but they wanted the mouse to get out his comfort zone and see what the real world was like, being enclosed in the same environment since birth the mouse did not know any better when dealing with the real world. So, to make the long story short, never let peer pressure , pressure you into doing something you know is wrong because at the end of the day you might end up dead like the mouse.
Bibliography: "Turtle" by Ellworth Young. Website
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
"Reading Notes" Part B
Rama was chasing the deer, he was on a mission to get the deer. Running through the forest and he was able to shoot the arrow and pierce the heart of the deer. During this time the deer "in this agony Maricha sprang out of the deer's body and a voice cried out". This killing of the deer perceived that he had killed the brother of Ravana. He killing the deer brought out a voice that shook everybody and made Sita think of her husband. But everybody was scared but she was telling them there was no reason to be scared, because the love she had for her husband. If he was not alive there was no reason for her to be alive, she clearly said "if Rama is slain I will die by drowning, or by poison, or else by the noose". Without she husband she was lost.
Bibliography: Ramayana: The Chase
Monday, January 29, 2018
Reading Notes: Part A
Ramayana: Dasharatha's Karma has to deal with a father who was cursed to lose his lose in the future. One day when Dasharatha was out hunting he hear a sound off in the distance, so he thought this was an animals nearby. So, he set up his bow and arrow and shot int that direction, then cried out a young boy in pain from being shot by the arrow. Dasharatha was so shaken that he did not know what to do, so with the boys last breath he was able to tell where his parents were located at. Dasharatha was scared to see the young hermit laying on the ground dying but the poor victim forgave him and said "Hasten to my sire and inform him of my fate lest his curse should consume thee as a fire consumes a withered tree." after the young hermit said that he died instantly. The parents found out this news and were hurt , their protector and child was taken from them in seconds. The dad of the young hermit was so upset that he had no reason to live anymore and wanted his life to be taken also. A small funeral was set up for the young hermit boy and during this time the mother and father took their lives and entered the Kingdom of Death.
Bibliography: Ramayana: Dasharatha's Karma
Laura Gibbs: Ramayana
Sunday, January 28, 2018
"Feedback Thoughts"
The first reading I picked is called Eight things students should do when they make a mistake. This article is broken down into 8 different sections about how we as a writer should approach a situation when mistakes are pointed out. Reading through this I noticed a lot of the advice was encouraging advice because a lot of people get upset with being told something is wrong. But me on the other hand enjoy my mistakes with school assignments being pointed out so next time I can do better. Staying mindful is the best key to taking a mistake into consideration and fixing it.
My second reading I picked is called 5 Tips For Taking Feedback Like a Champ. Reading through this article they give out ways to take harsh feedback and keep it pushing. They start to realize that this harsh feedback makes a person uncomfortable, but this is a good sign of growth and guidance for that individual. I feel like being about to see feedback and absorb it and do better next to is always a growing process. No one is perfect in any aspect so making a mistake is normal. A person who makes mistakes can always bounce back and do 10x better the next time. Its just time and effort that will help that person grow.
My second reading I picked is called 5 Tips For Taking Feedback Like a Champ. Reading through this article they give out ways to take harsh feedback and keep it pushing. They start to realize that this harsh feedback makes a person uncomfortable, but this is a good sign of growth and guidance for that individual. I feel like being about to see feedback and absorb it and do better next to is always a growing process. No one is perfect in any aspect so making a mistake is normal. A person who makes mistakes can always bounce back and do 10x better the next time. Its just time and effort that will help that person grow.
"Topic Brainstorm"
I am interested in this topic because it deals with Indian palm squirrels because so far in this class the animal stories have really caught my attention and have been some importance in Epics of Indian but in this specific case the squirrel is sacred in Hinduism. I have no previous knowledge of this type of squirrel. If i was to tell a story about this squirrel i would focus on the outer appearance and why the stripes down the back of the animal are important.
Every brainstorm I will research will revolve around animals simply because that is what my interest is in. This project Idea I looked up is called Animals, Natural and Supernatural. Doing some more research there was a few animals that caught my attention but I picked Kurma. Kurma is a half man-tortoise. There is not I know about Indians Epics, but with each assignment I learn more. I would like to tell how this half man-tortoise is widely worship and how important it is to Hindu cosmology.
The third Topic would be Horses. The reason I pick this one is because there is a wide variety of article about horses in South Asia, and an article about what a horse symbolizes. I know horse are strong and powerful animals and I am interested in this topic because I feel like there is a lot of meaning behind horses. Especially in cultural aspects, I noticed horses are very important in tribes too. A story I would like to tell about horses; is how powerful and useful they can be in different cultural aspects. Horses can be used for transportation, food (milk) and so much more.
My last pick would be Elephants, I think this project idea would be a good one because elephants are the animal of india is that used to tell stories and symbolize something important. I would like to learn why these animals are such a big aspect in Epics. Cultural depictions of elephants would be a good start off for this topic because elephants are mythology, symbolism and are very popular in epics culture.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
"Week 2 Story" : Are you Really My Friend
Are You Really My Friend
This story reflects a story from the Jatakas reading specifically targeting The Crocodile in the River tale that was written. But in my story I talk about two friends "friendenemies" that go overboard when it comes to trying to either bully or "fake" love one another. The cat is the Pet of the Jones Family, so when the owners leave this gives the cat the opportunity to act up with the mouse. The love hate relationship is a nonstop continuous thing, so you would think the two friends would know where they stand at.
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Once upon a time there was a mouse and a cat who lived in a single household family with no regrets. In reality, everybody knows cats and mouse can not live together because one of them is considered supper but in this tale the mouse is to clever to accept the cats "fake gestures of friendship". These gestures lean toward death for the mouse, but he is always one up on the cat. Always out smarting the car, makes the cat frustrated where he at times wants to hurt himself.
In the Jones Household, the Cat roams around while the mouse lives between the walls. When the family leaves the house the mouse and cat start up, with breaking things, trying to hurt each other and acting like everything is civil when the Jones return.
On July 29 2005, the Jones family went of vacation for a whole week and within this week the mouse and cat have been through hell and back with trying to hurt each other. But on this very day things changed. All the holes the mouse had made appear to have a string blocking the doorway to enter the house.
(mouse) *sticks head out of head "CATTTTT WHERE ARE YOU" 30 secs pass
(cat) *laughing loud "hahahahahahahahaha"
what is it that you want? said the cat.
(mouse) why am i not able to leave my room?
(cat) becuase if you do, your head will be cut off!
Hearing that brought so much anger to the mouse, that the only friend he had in the house was trying to plot to kill him. The mouse thought it was all fun and games until on that particular day. So, the house knows the cat tries to grab him when he sees a opportunity, so the mouse goes in his room and makes a stuffed mouse. This mouse looked just like him. He dangled the mouse close to the string then BOOMMMMMMM the cat's hand is chopped off !
Friends are also tricky, so you have to pick and choose which friends have there best interest in you, because a lot of friends are backstabbers. Keeping a small friend circle is the best way to stay out of drama.
Moral of the story: Do not try to outsmart the smart or act like a friend towards a person. Because in the end the person who tried will be the one to lose in the end.
This is an
anthology of Buddhist Jataka stories from ancient India.
This story reflects a story from the Jatakas reading specifically targeting The Crocodile in the River tale that was written. But in my story I talk about two friends "friendenemies" that go overboard when it comes to trying to either bully or "fake" love one another. The cat is the Pet of the Jones Family, so when the owners leave this gives the cat the opportunity to act up with the mouse. The love hate relationship is a nonstop continuous thing, so you would think the two friends would know where they stand at.
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Once upon a time there was a mouse and a cat who lived in a single household family with no regrets. In reality, everybody knows cats and mouse can not live together because one of them is considered supper but in this tale the mouse is to clever to accept the cats "fake gestures of friendship". These gestures lean toward death for the mouse, but he is always one up on the cat. Always out smarting the car, makes the cat frustrated where he at times wants to hurt himself.
In the Jones Household, the Cat roams around while the mouse lives between the walls. When the family leaves the house the mouse and cat start up, with breaking things, trying to hurt each other and acting like everything is civil when the Jones return.
On July 29 2005, the Jones family went of vacation for a whole week and within this week the mouse and cat have been through hell and back with trying to hurt each other. But on this very day things changed. All the holes the mouse had made appear to have a string blocking the doorway to enter the house.
(mouse) *sticks head out of head "CATTTTT WHERE ARE YOU" 30 secs pass
(cat) *laughing loud "hahahahahahahahaha"
what is it that you want? said the cat.
(mouse) why am i not able to leave my room?
(cat) becuase if you do, your head will be cut off!
Hearing that brought so much anger to the mouse, that the only friend he had in the house was trying to plot to kill him. The mouse thought it was all fun and games until on that particular day. So, the house knows the cat tries to grab him when he sees a opportunity, so the mouse goes in his room and makes a stuffed mouse. This mouse looked just like him. He dangled the mouse close to the string then BOOMMMMMMM the cat's hand is chopped off !
Friends are also tricky, so you have to pick and choose which friends have there best interest in you, because a lot of friends are backstabbers. Keeping a small friend circle is the best way to stay out of drama.
Moral of the story: Do not try to outsmart the smart or act like a friend towards a person. Because in the end the person who tried will be the one to lose in the end.
Bibliography Source to Different Stories like this one:
Reading Notes , Week 2: " To be Quick or Out Smarted Part B
The tell of The Crocodile in the River tells about a buddha's that was betrayed by his monk, but he uses animals as the characters to replay the events that happened.
Buddha-as-monkey and the crocodile is a tale where is tells of betrayal. this story represents a monk that plotted against his master "Buddha" to get something in life he wanted. So, using a monkey and crocodile is a great example, because the crocodile has a partner that he wants to please and make happy. So, when she sees the monkey in the tree she tells her partner she wants the monkey to eat, so being the man of the house "river", he goes and tries to plot on the monkey by making an amends. Each day the crocodile comes to the rock, interacting with the monkey, and in the monkeys, mind he thinks they have a nice bond, but in reality his last days of life are slowing approaching. But, as time passes the monkey starts to notice something very strange about this one rock by his house "tree". As, he sits there one day and measures the rock, he starts to shout out asking the rock questions, but no response comes, so he yells loud and the crocodiles gestures responding back. The monkey knew from the start of the odd position of the rock that something was fishy he just did not want to assume things, but to wrap it all up he outsmarted the crocodile that only cared about impressing his partner and not about how he would take a life away to pleasure a women he "think he cares about".
Moral of the story is just because you have a "bond" with a person does not me their loyalty is true. People do crazy things for the people "they are in love with" at that moment, but they never think about the consequences or repercussions that come along with it. And most of the time people and seek out a fishy person, and by analyzing their moves they can outwit a person with bad intentions.
Bibliography Source to Different Stories like this one:
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
"Reading Options"
Reading through the different readings, I have found three different ones that have caught my attention. Indian Epics has so many different stories that it was hard for me to just pick my favorite one, but these are stories and poems that were written to have a meaning.
The first reading that caught my attention is during week 6 and 7: Mahabharata is a reading that deals with five pandavas' cousins, in a epic battle and are led by Duryodhana and his ally karna. I like readings that have action in it, simply because action is what draws a lot of readers attention, so coming across this reading has me interested in how the battle will end.
The first reading that caught my attention is during week 6 and 7: Mahabharata is a reading that deals with five pandavas' cousins, in a epic battle and are led by Duryodhana and his ally karna. I like readings that have action in it, simply because action is what draws a lot of readers attention, so coming across this reading has me interested in how the battle will end.
Learning about a Prince named Rama and his life is always exciting, but i am curious if he has a Princess in his life or a girl he wants to marry. I think the best readings are love stories.
Hindu gods and goddesses seemed like a good reading, but readings that tell a story about both sexes always catch my attention. I have always been interested in Gods and goddesses because I feel like they have so much meaning behind the stories they tell.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
"Time Strategies"
Doing this assignment opened my mind to something I did not quiet know about us and time management. After, reading How to Beat Procrastination I did not know our brains were programmed to procrastinate. We humanbeings, right out a to-do-list and only about half of it gets marked off because we struggle with task we say that are supposed to get done. I always make a list of homework I need to get done, but I never really follow through with it, unless the due date is that day. Last semester, a lot of my time was taken up by work and not being able to actually sit down and focus on my work so this semester my classes and work schedule give me a better window to get my homework done.
Reading through this assignment I never used a lot of these different tools before. Using blogger was something new to me and a lot of these other tools we will be using throughout the semster are new to me also. I really enjoy online classes, I feel like they help me boost my computer skills and help me expand my knowledge of different tools that are accessible to us. I am familiar with bookmark, but i do not use it enough like i should have. But this class has made me use the bookmark tab more often.
Coming into this online course I never thought it would be this way. When I was reading through the syllabus I was confused on how the grading would be graded. So, when I did the first few assignments I was able to understand what I read in the syllabus. The assignments so far have been very intresting to me and my favorite assignment we did so far was being able to introduce ourselves so my classmates.
This picture descirbes how my brain was feeling when i was reading through the syallbus. I had to read the inforamtion two times to get how the class would be ran.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
"Growth Mindset"
Success only happens when you experience growth from unfamiliar things:
I never heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset before. But reading through this assignment about growth mindset I think as children we should experience new things; even if we fail. Failure is a sign of knowledge we gained for future reference. And taking this knowledge will help us learn and gain a sense of growth each year.
I do not quiet have a full detailed understanding of this "Growth Mindset" but during this course time I hope to have a better understanding of the true meaning and why some people agree on growth mindset and why some people "Never" want thier kids to experience growth.
Introduction to a Furture Vet
Hello , My name is Andrea Brisby , but I prefer to go by "Brisby". Brisby is just like Frisbee but replace the "F" with a Brisby. I am from Lawton, Oklahoma, but I plan on moving out of Oklahoma after I finish my schooling.
Attending the Unversity of Oklahoma has always been a dream of mine since 2nd grade so being here for four years, my time is coming to an end and it is bitter sweet; but more sweet then anything. I am a fourth year senior, my major is Biology Pre-Vet. To show you guys my spark of intrest let me tell you about my trip to Exotic Animal Park . Being able to be within a few feet of these big animals brought joy to my heart.
Something cool about my major is that in the future I will be taking care of "YOU" my fellow classmates animals. So, if you ever get the chance to talk or ever meet me, you will know that your animal is in good hands.
I want to share with my classmates Two very special things in my life that keep me sane when things start to get rough. First let me introduce my My Daughter . Raising her from a young baby to one years old I have seen her grow so fast, that each memory was captured. If I did not have my daughter in my life I do not know where I would be at this very moment. Her name is Reign and if you ever want to babysit her, just let me know. She is the sweetest child you will ever come across. Her birthday was December 3rd.
The Second Special thing I want to share is my Boyfriend:
Attending the Unversity of Oklahoma has always been a dream of mine since 2nd grade so being here for four years, my time is coming to an end and it is bitter sweet; but more sweet then anything. I am a fourth year senior, my major is Biology Pre-Vet. To show you guys my spark of intrest let me tell you about my trip to Exotic Animal Park . Being able to be within a few feet of these big animals brought joy to my heart.
Something cool about my major is that in the future I will be taking care of "YOU" my fellow classmates animals. So, if you ever get the chance to talk or ever meet me, you will know that your animal is in good hands.
I want to share with my classmates Two very special things in my life that keep me sane when things start to get rough. First let me introduce my My Daughter . Raising her from a young baby to one years old I have seen her grow so fast, that each memory was captured. If I did not have my daughter in my life I do not know where I would be at this very moment. Her name is Reign and if you ever want to babysit her, just let me know. She is the sweetest child you will ever come across. Her birthday was December 3rd.
The Second Special thing I want to share is my Boyfriend:
"back in the day"
(My Future) est. 2017
From Sophomore in High School to my Senior Year in College this young man by the name of "General" (yes this is his real name) has been by my side. He changed my life for the best and after 6 years of spending my life with this man, I can not wait to see what the future holds. He makes me feel like the prettiest girl in the world. I could go on and on about why he is so special in my life but I will stop here.
Overall, I am a bubbly, energized individual that loves to watch movies, eat waffle house, and spend time with my daughter and boyfriend.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
StoryBook Favorites
This assignment was interesting, being able to search through the different Storybooks I was able to come across three different ones that caught my attention. Being that my major is Biology , Pre-Vet I tried to find ones that pertained to animals and luckily I found three different ones.
This was the first Storybook I came across. Reading through the different tabs in the storybook it told a story about two little boys that lived in a village between the Himalayan Mountains. These two little boys only knew about the village, but when they heard other people in the village discussing about a Himalayan Elephant that was magical; this sparked their interest to go on a search for this elephant. These two friends knew that leaving the village was a bad idea simply because anything outside the village was dangerous, but they were determined to find this animal.
The second Storybook was titled "Zoo Animals History". This one was interesting because people attended this Zoo Park on a Trolley . During this tour the tourist were taken to different parts of the park. The first place they stopped at was a underwater cave where they learned about fish, but I wonder how they were able to go underwater? The trolley they rode on must of been magical.
The last Storybook I came across was about the Elephants of Indian Epics. Reading through this storybook I noticed that this Indian Epics Elephant was a big symbol for the two little boys that begged their father to tell them a bed time story before they went to sleep. This majestic elephant of Indre. As their father was telling the boys the story he told them what the elephant symbolized. The Patient Elephant which brought another story into their bedtime.
The reasons I picked all three of these stories was because anything that has to pertain to animals always draw my attention. So, being able to find some Storybooks to related to stuff that interest me was exciting!
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
favorite place
I like to visit places that have animals insight or where I am able to interact with them.
So, this weekend I took my boyfriend to The Greater Wynnewood Animal Park. Arriving at the park there were so many BIG cats just a few feet away inside different enclosures with food, water and toys. Being in this type of environment brings so such joy and happiness to me. During the tour we went inside a environment with Large White Wolves . Once we got inside the enclosure we were able to go over and rubbed the wolves. They real life loved being starched like domesticated dogs.
Here is a Picture of Himalayan Wolves
(These Dogs were actually friend At Greater Wynnewood Animal Park)
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