Friday, May 4, 2018

Tech Tip: Twitter

Technology is developing each and every day, but the biggest social media that a lot of college students use is twitter. If a student needs to know the news they go to twitter, if they want to vent they go to twitter, and if they want to connect with friends they go to twitter. So, I think next time maybe doing the class and including a project where a student makes a twitter account (private) only for the classmates to look and comment at. I would of enjoyed that simply because it is easy to go to all the different tabs in twitter, direct message, and retweet/retweet with a comment on how a person feel about the tweet. Twitter grows each and every day and us students are so deep in social media, that is a place where we do OUR BLOGGING.

Readin Notes EC: The Rainy Season

This story is about a king named Sugriva and he wants to help Rama on a quest but the problem is the rain is stopping Sugriva from keeping his promise he made to Rama. Trying to enter the city he has to wait for the wilderness to clear. In this story the storyline is different from a lot of the other stories i read, but the more i read the more i started to like this one. There was a lot of dailouge in the story between Rama , Sugriva and two other men in the story. I think overall this story meant well and Sugriva was able to help Rama. 

Biobiography: The Rainy Season

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Reading Notes Part B: The Story Of A Squirrel

This story is about squirrel who was playing with a pebble putting it in her mouth and a monkey noticed it and started to make fun or her and told her to stop that before lest a boulder crushed her. This hurt the squirrels feelings so she went to Rama and told after that he fixed the problem and everything was better.

Bibliography: The Story Of A Squirrel

Reading Notes Part A: Don't Look To Close

I think an interesting story that I would read is called "Third Eye". This tale is about Shiva's third eye. This eye has always fascinated people and it stood directionally in the middle of the head. The third eye In the middle of Shiva's head was so powerful it could wipe the entire world out. There was so many assumptions with Shiva that it made it hard for people to even be friends because they were always worrying. This story caught my eye because weird stuff interest me.

Bibliography: The Third Eye